Friday, June 5, 2009

On To Indy..

Hello Blog Watchers!
We woke to Beautiful weather and it just got better from there! We started the day by going to Tom Sutphen's Fire Truck Plant just outside of Columbus....Now you might think this would be a bit of a snooze, but let me tell you that it was Amazing.... Tom is 84 years old and adorable. His grandfather started the company and it has been in the family ever since. It is a multi million dollar business and it was cool to see the fire trucks and how each part was made...Tom has many "toys"(CARS!!!) there and he told us a story about each one. The picture is of Tom and one of his many cars... He has a car that Mae West supposedly owned and told us the footprints on the ceiling of the car were Clark Gabel's! HA!He was so cute with each car, and so knowledgeable... I enjoyed his tour so much, so thank you Dave for introducing us to Tom, he is a doll! Dave Goss (A Native Ohioan) also told us about the National Air Force Museum, so we went there on our way to Indy. That too was amazing! We spent two hours going through there and ya know I'm not much for plane museums, but this place had everything! After that we made it to Indy and tomorrow we will be taking the tour of the Speedway.

Gary.... What a great day on the open road. Sunshine, smooth roads, light traffic and once again, no car trouble with 60 year old cars. It's funny to see passing traffic slow to take a look at each of the cars and then zoom away. We get smiles and waves from the most unlikely spectators.

The brakes are still working perfectly and the only repair I've had to make is replace a fuse for the brake lights that I apparently popped while trying to fix the brakes before the trip started so that doesn't count as a repair, Art!

I just talked to a guy near Chicago who told me to prepare for some more rain.....gonna have to recaulk a couple places on the windshield!


  1. Hi Terry and Gary,

    Talked to Ian today and he is working, as usual. Will see him at Mary's for Jennifer's graduation. We hope to get together for Starbuck's and dinner if he isn't too busy.

    We've also had lovely cool weather. Good for working outdoors but I haven't gotten out there yet!!!

    Sounds like you are having an exciting adventure and it sure pays to know people - you are seeing things we peons never get invited to. Keep heading west; we all miss you. Love, Mom

  2. Good news, Ter! Please tell Gar that I just read Ian's note on Facebook and he found his camera charger! :)

  3. Well, that is one plane museum that I HAVEN'T been to. Over the years I have grown to appreciate museums of flight. Some of the old birds are quite pretty -- then again, some are down right scary "like, who would go up in one of those things" i.e. the early flying machnes. Glad to hear that your trip is going good. I am really enjoying the updates, and I still can't believe my cousing has a blog on the internet. You've alwyas been so technically unsavy, but ya can't say that any more, now can ya. Take care, Love Laurie

  4. HA! Laurie, you are so right, I'm the girl that can't download and send her pictures (right SISTA??) and here I am blogging away.... I love this cuz its easy and we have only had to call Ian once since he left us !
    Good to hear from all of you on the comments, makes us feel close to you all!
    Ter :o)
