Saturday, June 6, 2009

Indy Speedway.....

Here we are are the Indy Speedway!
It was a great ride up there with beautiful sunshine all the way.
We had booked a tour on line before we left and we were glad we did as it was a busy day at the Speedway... Our tour included a lap of the track, the media center where all the TV and radio stations sit on race days and the museum. We had asked if the woodies could take a lap of the track and they said sure for a $1000.00 Ins. fee...We passed on that and enjoyed our lap in the little mini tour bus. :o) They did however, let us take a picture of our cars in the tour bus lane so we were thankful for that and it is the pic included on the left. We are now in Chicago and have an amazing room at the Hyatt about 18 miles from downtown Chicago. Tomorrow we are taking the metro to downtown to see the Sears Tower, John Hancock Building, Navy Pier, with maybe a lunch cruise of the lake and my anniversary gift of dinner at Rivo's which has a view of the lake. Busy day tomorrow, I'm going to have to rest when I get back home, everyday is up early and to bed late! Having a great time! I'll talk to you all tomorrow....Ter :o)


It was definitely a 'car guy' day.... started out with a late breakfast, lunch at White Castle, a couple hours at the speedway and a lovely 200 mile cruise to Chicago. The only down side is the awful roads that they charge you to drive on.....they were seriously the worst roads of the trip and we were charged eighty cents every few miles.

Tomorrow the cars get to rest since we're taking a train to the city, then Monday we drive Rt. 66!!!

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