Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday May 17, 2009

On Sunday we met the transport truck at 10:00am and packed our baby into the trailer and sent Mr. Jagwood on it's way to Washington DC. Whew! Never thought we would see the day!
Don, the driver is the owner of the company and he was very considerate of our baby and gently loaded him onto the truck. It is a giant transporter with room for 8 cars. He told us of the stops he will be making along the way and the cars he will be picking up. He is experienced and comes highly recommended so we feel confident that our baby will make it there safe and sound.
I took lots of pictures and hopefully with Ian's help we will get some onto the blog tonight.
The loading of the car made the trip seem very real and now that there are only 6 work days left until we go, it seems unbeliveably close.
Check back for pictures, I know between Ian and I we will be able to do it! :o)